[Python-Dev] PEP 318: Decorators last before colon
Jewett, Jim J
jim.jewett at eds.com
Tue Mar 30 11:34:38 EST 2004
Ka-Ping Yee:
> Three different positions for decorators have been suggested:
> (a) def [decorator] func(arg, arg):
> (b) def func [decorator] (arg, arg):
> (c) def func(arg, arg) [decorator]:
You forgot before and after
def func(arg1, arg2):
def func(arg1, arg2):
There is also a possibility of two separate places,
depending on whether the original object is
(1) returned, possibly with extra attributes, or
(2) replaced with a new entry point (which might or
might not forward to the original, change the signature
entirely, do something completely different).
def func(arg1, arg2):
I would personally prefer to see both types before the def,
but separated from each other. I do understand that this
gets bulky; it scales up better than it scales down.
.name1 = value
.name2 = val2
def func(arg1, arg2):
>There are several strong arguments to choose (c).
> 1. The decorator part is optional. Optional things usually come
> at the end and shouldn't interrupt non-optional things.
Agreed, but taking it out of the (current) funcdef header clause
entirely also meets this goal. The question is whether it would
still bind tightly *enough* to the funcdef.
> 4. When you're reading the body of the function, you will refer
> to the arguments frequently and the decorators not at all.
> So the arguments should come first, in the usual position.
classmethod does make a difference, because it changes the signature.
One of Guido's questions is whether there will ever be a long chain
of *tranforming* decorators.
We have seen examples of long chains of decorators, but I don't think
anyone has a concrete use case with more than two *transforming*
decorators. If chains really stay short, then
def classmethod func(arg1, arg2):
looks OK. (Except that new users will assume classmethod is a keyword,
and try to look it up -- which does not work for user-created decorators.)
> 5. The decorators act on the function after the entire function
> definition has been evaluated. It makes sense to arrange the
> function as a visual unit so you can see what is being created
> and manipulated.
You can already put them after the full definition; the reason for this
syntax is to move them up so that people can keep them in mind while
reading the definition.
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