[Python-Dev] Code coverage tool updated

Walter Dörwald walter at livinglogic.de
Tue Nov 2 12:58:35 CET 2004

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Walter Dörwald <walter at livinglogic.de> writes:
>>The Python code coverage tool available at
>>http://coverage.livinglogic.de/ has been updated. (It runs the
>>Python test suite once a month and makes the resulting code
>>coverage info available as a web application).
>>The backend is now Oracle instead of Postgres and is on a much
>>faster machine. The frontend has been replaced too, so the result
>>should be much faster and more flexible.
> Using the back button in a browser seems to break it fairly badly --
> if you click on a file that has some results, then click 'back' you
> get a java.lang.NullPointerException!

I can reproduce that. I've forwarded this to the developer (who is
currently on vacation and will be back in December).

> If you click on a file
> _without_ results and click 'back' you merely get a message in German
> that I don't understand...

This message basically says "Don't click the back button!".

    Walter Dörwald

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