[Python-Dev] Re: interlocking dependencies on the path to a release

Trent Mick trentm at ActiveState.com
Fri Nov 5 19:29:40 CET 2004

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> I've dabbled in the guts of latex2html before; it's certainly not pretty.
> IMO a better long term option might be to use the Python docutils and 
> migrate to reStructuredText, since there are a bevy of backends 
> available for latex, PDF, HTML, etc.  They would probably need more work 
> before they'll be suitable to handle the entire doc generation process, 
> though.

What do people think about docbook? I'm impressed with the kind of doc 
output that, for example, the PHP guys and Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into 
Python and the Subversion Book, can generate from docbook sources. I'm 
not suggesting any whole hog re-write of the Python docs anytime soon, 
just wanted to feel it out.


Trent Mick
trentm at activestate.com

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