[Python-Dev] Synchronous and Asynchronous servers in the standard library

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Nov 9 07:09:34 CET 2004

At 06:49 AM 11/9/04 +0100, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>Alex Martelli wrote:
>>But if it's accurate it seems to me that -- on Windows -- select does not 
>>allow smooth integration of non-socket sources while IOCP might.
>I believe this is right. I don't see this as a problem, though - in the
>typical asyncore application, what non-socket sources would you have?

Subprocess pipes would be one example, although I suppose you could rule 
that out as "atypical", but then that's just saying that anything you can't 
already do with it isn't typical use for it.  I have, however, written 
event-driven apps that talk to subprocess pipes and sockets at the same 
time.  Just not using asyncore.  :)

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