[Python-Dev] SQLite module for Python 2.5

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Oct 20 19:05:05 CEST 2004

Gerhard Haering wrote:
> Hi python-dev-elopers,
> Last December, we had a short thread discussing the integration of
> PySQLite into Python 2.4. At the time, I was against inclusion,
> because I thought PySQLite was not ripe for it, mostly because I
> thought the API was not stable.
> [...]
> I think that a simple embedded relational database would be a good
> thing to have in Python by default. And as Python 2.5 won't happen
> anytime soon, there's plenty of time for developing it, getting it
> stable, and integrating it.

SQLite is a gem and PySQLite works great, but I don't see why we
should start adding third-party tools of this size (>38k LOC C code)
to the standard Python distribution.

Perhaps you we should consider adding only the Python interface
and then ship a DLL with the Windows installer like we do for
expat and the Sleepycat DBM ?!

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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