[Python-Dev] Decimal for Py2.3 (was: about presicion)

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Wed Sep 1 19:11:41 CEST 2004

[Alex Martelli]

#- I think that's an excellent policy -- Python 2.3 will no doubt remain
#- widely used for a long time to come.  I think it would be nice if
#- Decimal was packaged up with its own docs for easy download and install
#- into an existing 2.3 installation, then... make life as easy as possible
#- for 2.3 users who need to do some decimal arithmetic!

Don't know what's commong usage, so I ask.

Should I prepare a "decimal package" with the module and docs and whatever,
in form of a tgz, rmp, .exe, etc, to let people "install" decimal in their

Or it's better to somewhere tell the user that if he/she wants to use
Decimal in Py2.3 to follow this simple n steps (and the detail of the steps,
of course ;)?

Considering that it's only a file, and the docs could be accessed through
Py2.4 documentation, I'll go for the latter.

.	Facundo

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