[Python-Dev] Re: Console vs. GUI applications

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Thu Sep 9 11:49:57 CEST 2004

Michael Walter wrote:

> I guessed CMD.EXE would run ShellExecute(), to which you can pass a
> filename such as "foo.py". Didn't verify this tho :)

> dumpbin /imports \windows\system32\cmd.exe | grep Shell

> dumpbin /imports \windows\system32\cmd.exe | grep Create
      7C81E968    4A  CreateDirectoryW
      7C802332    66  CreateProcessW
      7C810976    52  CreateFileW

(I doubt ShellExecute gives cmd.exe the control it needs.  besides, ShellExecute
is part of the shell layer, not the core Windows API.  and the shell layer depends
on everyone and his brother; I doubt they want the command line interface to
depend on the GDI layer, RPC services, etc.)


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