[Python-Dev] More data points

ncoghlan at iinet.net.au ncoghlan at iinet.net.au
Sun Sep 26 01:47:26 CEST 2004

Quoting Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com>:

> [Bob Ippolito]
> > > >  >>> x = []
> > > >  >>> x.extend(-y for y in x)
> > > >  Segmentation fault
> I get a MemoryError.
> To help with get a comprehensive view when I look at this more closely
> tomorrow, can you try out variations on the theme with other mutables:
>   myset.update 
>   deque.extend
>   dict.update
>   dict.fromkeys
>   array.extend

Short answer: all of these work OK for me (i.e. do nothing). Only list.extend
suffers from the segmentation fault.

Session transcripts (with bonus X's to trick mailreaders):

[... at localhost src]$ ./python
Python 2.4a3 (#16, Sep 21 2004, 17:33:57)
[GCC 3.4.1 20040702 (Red Hat Linux 3.4.1-2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
X>> x = []
X>> x.extend(-y for y in x)
Segmentation fault
[... at localhost src]$ ./python
Python 2.4a3 (#16, Sep 21 2004, 17:33:57)
[GCC 3.4.1 20040702 (Red Hat Linux 3.4.1-2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
X>> x = set()
X>> x.update(-y for y in x)
X>> x
X>> from collections import deque
X>> x = deque()
X>> x.extend(-y for y in x)
X>> x
X>> x = {}
X>> x.update(-y for y in x)
X>> x
X>> x.fromkeys(-y for y in x)
X>> from array import array
X>> x = array('B')
X>> x.extend(-y for y in x)
X>> x

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