[Python-Dev] super_getattro() Behaviour

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.co.uk
Thu Apr 14 11:15:34 CEST 2005

>>>> 4. Am I missing a more correct/obvious technique? (There is no need to
>>>> support classic classes.)
>>> Hum, I can't think of one, I'm afraid.
>>> There has been some vague talk of having a tp_lookup slot in
>>> typeobjects, so
>>> PyDict_GetItem(t->tp_dict, x);
>>> would become
>>> t->tp_lookup(x);
>>> (well, ish, it might make more sense to only do that if the dict
>>> lookup fails).
>> That would be perfect. I can't Google any reference to a discussion -
>> can
>> you point me at something?
> Well, most of the discussion so far has been in my head :)
> There was a little talk of it in the thread "can we stop pretending
> _PyType_Lookup is internal" here and possibly on pyobjc-dev around the
> same time.
> I'm not that likely to work on it soon -- I have enough moderately
> complex patches to core Python I'm persuading people to think about
> :-/.

Anything I can do to help push it along?


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