[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Kurt B. Kaiser
kbk at shore.net
Tue Apr 26 05:56:11 CEST 2005
Patch / Bug Summary
Patches : 316 open ( +2) / 2831 closed ( +7) / 3147 total ( +9)
Bugs : 908 open (+10) / 4941 closed (+20) / 5849 total (+30)
RFE : 178 open ( +1) / 153 closed ( +2) / 331 total ( +3)
New / Reopened Patches
package_data chops off first char of default package (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183712 opened by Wummel
[ast] fix for 1183468: return/yield in class (2005-04-16)
http://python.org/sf/1184418 opened by logistix
urllib2 dloads failing through HTTP proxy w/ auth (2005-04-18)
http://python.org/sf/1185444 opened by Mike Fleetwood
binascii.b2a_qp does not handle binary data correctly (2005-04-18)
http://python.org/sf/1185447 opened by Eric Huss
Automatically build fpectl module from setup.py (2005-04-18)
http://python.org/sf/1185529 opened by Jeff Epler
Typo in Curses-Function doc (2005-04-20)
http://python.org/sf/1186781 opened by grzankam
subprocess: optional auto-reaping fixing os.wait() lossage (2005-04-21)
http://python.org/sf/1187312 opened by Mattias Engdegård
Add const specifier to PySpam_System prototype (2005-04-21)
http://python.org/sf/1187396 opened by Luis Bruno
Don't assume all exceptions are SyntaxError's (2005-04-25)
http://python.org/sf/1189210 opened by John Ehresman
Patches Closed
fix typos in Library Reference (2005-04-10)
http://python.org/sf/1180062 closed by doerwalter
[AST] Fix for core in test_grammar.py (2005-04-08)
http://python.org/sf/1179513 closed by nascheme
Implemented new 'class foo():pass' syntax (2005-04-03)
http://python.org/sf/1176019 closed by nascheme
range() in for loops, again (2005-04-12)
http://python.org/sf/1181334 closed by arigo
Info Associated with Merge to AST (2005-01-07)
http://python.org/sf/1097671 closed by kbk
New / Reopened Bugs
Minor error in tutorial (2005-04-14)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1183274 opened by Konrads Smelkovs
check for return/yield outside function is wrong (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183468 opened by Neil Schemenauer
try to open /dev/null as directory (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183585 opened by Roberto A. Foglietta
PyDict_Copy() can return non-NULL value on error (2005-04-15)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1183742 opened by Phil Thompson
Popen4 wait() fails sporadically with threads (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183780 opened by Taale Skogan
return val in __init__ doesn't raise TypeError in new-style (2005-04-15)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1183959 opened by Adal Chiriliuc
dest parameter in optparse (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183972 opened by ahmado
Missing trailing newline with comment raises SyntaxError (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1184112 opened by Eric Huss
example broken in section 1.12 of Extending & Embedding (2005-04-16)
http://python.org/sf/1184380 opened by bamoore
Read-only property attributes raise wrong exception (2005-04-16)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1184449 opened by Barry A. Warsaw
itertools.imerge: merge sequences (2005-04-18)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1185121 opened by Jurjen N.E. Bos
pydoc doesn't find all module doc strings (2005-04-18)
http://python.org/sf/1185124 opened by Kent Johnson
PyObject_Realloc bug in obmalloc.c (2005-04-19)
http://python.org/sf/1185883 opened by Kristján Valur
python socketmodule dies on ^c (2005-04-19)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1185931 opened by nodata
tempnam doc doesn't include link to tmpfile (2005-04-19)
http://python.org/sf/1186072 opened by Ian Bicking
[AST] genexps get scoping wrong (2005-04-19)
http://python.org/sf/1186195 opened by Brett Cannon
[AST] assert failure on ``eval("u'\Ufffffffe'")`` (2005-04-19)
http://python.org/sf/1186345 opened by Brett Cannon
[AST] automatic unpacking of arguments broken (2005-04-19)
http://python.org/sf/1186353 opened by Brett Cannon
Python Programming FAQ should be updated for Python 2.4 (2005-02-09)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1119439 reopened by montanaro
nntplib shouldn't raise generic EOFError (2005-04-20)
http://python.org/sf/1186900 opened by Matt Roper
TypeError message on bad iteration is misleading (2005-04-21)
http://python.org/sf/1187437 opened by Roy Smith
Pickle with HIGHEST_PROTOCOL "ord() expected..." (2005-04-22)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1188175 opened by Heiko Selber
Rebuilding from source on RH9 fails (_tkinter.so missing) (2005-04-22)
http://python.org/sf/1188231 opened by Marty Heyman
Python 2.4 Not Recognized by Any Programs (2005-04-23)
http://python.org/sf/1188637 opened by Yoshi Nagasaki
zipfile module and 2G boundary (2005-04-24)
http://python.org/sf/1189216 opened by Bob Ippolito
Seg Fault when compiling small program (2005-04-24)
http://python.org/sf/1189248 opened by Reginald B. Charney
LINKCC incorrect (2005-04-25)
http://python.org/sf/1189330 opened by Christoph Ludwig
LINKCC incorrect (2005-04-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1189337 opened by Christoph Ludwig
file.write(x) where len(x) > 64*1024**2 is unreliable (2005-04-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1189525 opened by Martin Gfeller
pydoc may hide non-private doc strings. (2005-04-25)
http://python.org/sf/1189811 opened by J Livingston
"Atuple containing default argument values ..." (2005-04-25)
http://python.org/sf/1189819 opened by Chad Whitacre
Bugs Closed
Minor error in tutorial (2005-04-14)
http://python.org/sf/1183274 closed by doerwalter
copy.py bug (2005-02-03)
http://python.org/sf/1114776 closed by anthonybaxter
re.escape(s) prints wrong for chr(0) (2005-04-13)
http://python.org/sf/1182603 closed by nascheme
PyDict_Copy() can return non-NULL value on error (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183742 closed by rhettinger
return val in __init__ doesn't raise TypeError in new-style (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183959 closed by rhettinger
dir() does not include _ (2005-04-13)
http://python.org/sf/1182614 closed by nickjacobson
Read-only property attributes raise wrong exception (2005-04-16)
http://python.org/sf/1184449 closed by bwarsaw
Readline segfault (2005-04-05)
http://python.org/sf/1176893 closed by mwh
python socketmodule dies on ^c (2005-04-19)
http://python.org/sf/1185931 closed by nodata101
Bad sys.executable value for bdist_wininst install script (2005-04-12)
http://python.org/sf/1181619 closed by theller
StringIO and cStringIO don't provide 'name' attribute (2005-04-03)
http://python.org/sf/1175967 closed by mwh
Python Interpreter shell is crashed (2005-01-12)
http://python.org/sf/1100673 closed by mwh
Python Programming FAQ should be updated for Python 2.4 (2005-02-09)
http://python.org/sf/1119439 closed by jafo
Dictionary Parsing Problem (2005-02-05)
http://python.org/sf/1117048 closed by tjreedy
2.4.1 breaks pyTTS (2005-04-07)
http://python.org/sf/1178624 closed by doerwalter
Pickle with HIGHEST_PROTOCOL "ord() expected..." (2005-04-22)
http://python.org/sf/1188175 closed by drhok
multiple broken links in profiler docs (2005-03-30)
http://python.org/sf/1173773 closed by isandler
LINKCC incorrect (2005-04-25)
http://python.org/sf/1189337 closed by cludwig
file.write(x) where len(x) > 64*1024**2 is unreliable (2005-04-25)
http://python.org/sf/1189525 closed by tim_one
New / Reopened RFE
"replace" function should accept lists. (2005-04-17)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1184678 opened by Poromenos
Make bisect.* functions accept an optional compare function (2005-04-18)
http://python.org/sf/1185383 opened by Marcin Ciura
RFE Closed
"replace" function should accept lists. (2005-04-17)
http://python.org/sf/1184678 closed by rhettinger
itertools.imerge: merge sequences (2005-04-18)
http://python.org/sf/1185121 closed by jneb
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