[Python-Dev] PEP 340: syntax suggestion - try
opening(filename) as f:
Phillip J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Sat Apr 30 03:54:47 CEST 2005
At 08:21 PM 4/29/05 -0500, Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
>All the statements in Python are associated with keywords, except
>for assignment, which is simple and extremely common. I don't
>think the block statement is simple enough or common enough for
>that; its semantics are much too significant to be flagged only
>by a little punctuation mark like a colon.
Don't forget the 'as' clause.
>I can empathize with wanting to avoid a keyword in order to
>avoid an endless debate about what the keyword will be. But
>that debate can't be avoided anyway -- we still have to agree
>on what to call this thing when talking about it and teaching it.
A "template invocation", perhaps, for the statement, and a "templated
block" for the actual block. The expression part of the statement would be
the "template expression" which must result in a "template iterator".
>The keyword gives us a name, a conceptual tag from which to hang
>our knowledge and discussions. Once we have a keyword, there
>can be no confusion about what to call the construct. And if
>there is a distinctive keyword, a Python programmer who comes
>across this unfamiliar construct will be able to ask someone
>"What does this 'spam' keyword mean?" or can search on Google for
>"Python spam" to find out what it means. Without a keyword,
>they're out of luck. Names are power.
help(synchronized) or help(retry) would doubtless display useful
information. Conversely, try Googling for Python's "for" or "if" keywords,
and see if you get anything useful -- I didn't.
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