[Python-Dev] Alternative name for str.partition()

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 20:43:02 CEST 2005

[In http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055880.html ]
Andrew Durdin wrote:

> one of the "fixed stdlib" examples that Raymond
> posted actually uses rpartition and partition in two consecutive lines

Even with that leadin, even right next to each other, it took me a bit of
time to see the difference between rest.rpartition and rest.partition.

>         rest, _, query = rest.rpartition('?')
>         script, _, rest = rest.partition('/')

Shortening the names helps, because a single letter matters more.

>         rest, _, query = rest.rpart('?')
>         script, _, rest = rest.part('/')

A different-looking word (such as Greg's suggestion) might be even
better, if the word also works on its own.

>         rest, _, query = rest.rsplit_at('?')   
>         script, _, rest = rest.split_at('/')

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