[Python-Dev] PEP 8 updates/clarifications

Michael Hoffman hoffman at ebi.ac.uk
Tue Dec 13 16:25:24 CET 2005

[Jim Fulton]
>>> Personally, I don't find the stdlib/external distinction to be useful.

[Michael Hoffman]
>> It's useful because it allows one to quickly see all the prerequisites
>> need to be installed in one place.

[Jim Fulton]
> Sure, if you only have one module, and if your module doesn't do any
> dynamic imports, and if the things your importing don't have dependencies,
> and ...
> I think it would be simpler to have a formal dependency system.

More useful, yes, for all the reasons you listed. The fact that people
are still working on a formal dependency system, however, indicates
that it is not simpler.
Michael Hoffman <hoffman at ebi.ac.uk>
European Bioinformatics Institute

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