[Python-Dev] Deprecate __ private (was Re: PEP 8updates/clarifications)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Tue Dec 13 17:26:33 CET 2005

Steven Bethard wrote:

> > Everybody here agrees that this style makes the code much less legible.
> > Partly because of the constant indirection.  Also because it imposes
> > learning all those two-letter abbreviations before reading a module, and
> > the learning has to be redone on each visit, it just does not stick.
> Much less legible than without the namespace?  Or much less legible
> than with a non-abbreviated namespace.

using abbreviations just for the sake of it may be a bad idea, but using
it to able to quickly switch between different drivers works really well.

my code is full of stuff like:

    import sqlite2 as DB

    import wckTkinter as WCK

    # import cElementtree as ET
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

but you sure won't see

    import sys as SY
    import os.path as op

or other gratuitous aliasing.


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