[Python-Dev] ElementTree in stdlib

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Tue Dec 13 21:29:18 CET 2005

Fred wrote:

> > That's not true. The current xml package *is* the consensus of
> > xml-sig.
> It pretty much was at the time, at any rate.  It's not clear to me that the
> xml package shipped in 2.4 and several preceeding versions of Python would
> pass muster in the current XML-SIG.  There's been a lot of evolution in the
> Python APIs for XML since then, and a lot of really interesting things have
> been tried with varying degrees of acceptance.

from what I can tell, most of the stuff under Lib/xml is between two and three
years old.   the last major PyXML sync appears to be against 1.82, in january
2003.  there are a few bug fixes since then, but that's about it.

what's the status of PyXML?  is it time to move it over to svn.python.org and
bring it up to 1.0 (whatever that would mean?)


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