[Python-Dev] should I really have to install Python before Icanbuild it ?

Neil Schemenauer nas at arctrix.com
Wed Dec 14 03:44:50 CET 2005

Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 10:23:27PM +0100, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>>         -$(PYTHON) $(ASDLGEN) $(AST_ASDL)

> The same just-ignore-it behavior can bite if the script genuinely fails
> after you just made a typo in one of the input files, for example.
> Doesn't look particularly clean to me, if you want my opinion.

Perhaps a good solution would be to have a separate make rule for
generating the AST code (i.e. not included in the overall dependancy
graph).  That increases the chance that they don't get regenerated
when they should but people hacking on the AST files should notice
the error pretty easily.  Other people should always be able to
build from the files checked in to SVN and so having the dependancy
there is just a source of trouble.


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