[Python-Dev] PEP 8 updates/clarifications, function/method style

Michael Chermside mcherm at mcherm.com
Wed Dec 14 18:08:34 CET 2005

Wolfgang writes:
> We need a clear style for function and method names
> now std lib uses "foo_bar" sometimes "foobar"
> and sometimes "fooBar".

Personally, I prefer "fooBar". But I try not to use it in python
code... I try to always use "foo_bar" because that's what PEP 8 says.

I believe recall the conversation that preceded putting that into
PEP 8, and the impetus for that particular decision was input from
non-native English speakers (particularly those not coming from a
European alphabet) that it was far easier to read with underscore
separation rather than capWords.

-- Michael Chermside

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