[Python-Dev] ElementTree in stdlib

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Dec 14 18:47:07 CET 2005

Jeremy Hylton wrote:

> On 12/14/05, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> > > we also need to figure out how to import the bundled version; should it be
> > > cElementTree, xml.etree.cElementTree, or just xml.etree.ElementTree
> > > (which would then fallback on the Python version if cElementTree isn't
> > > built) ?
> >
> > If the semantics are identical I'd prefer the latter approach
> > of using the faster variant if possible.
> That is my preference, too.

it's cStringIO vs. StringIO and cPickle vs. pickle situation again; the
modules are 99% compatible, but there's always someone that relies
on that last % (which is a result of ET being written in Python).

at this point, I think it's more important to guarantee that changing
"elementtree" to "xml.etree" will always work under Python 2.5 [1],
than to have a new set of potential subtle incompatibility issues.  but
I have changed my mind before...


1) except for users that need a newer version, of course.

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