[Python-Dev] PEP 8 updates/clarifications

Wolfgang wlangner at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 15 17:58:03 CET 2005


Barry Warsaw wrote:
> That's fine.  As always, projects (especially big framework-y ones like
> Zope and Chandler) are free to adopt whatever they want.  Their internal
> consistency is more important anyway than adherence to PEP 8.
> PEP 8 though is primarily about establishing guidelines for the standard
> library.  The underline_words recommendation has been in place for 4+
> years now, and modules that have been written in that time frame have
> been written against to those rules.  I see no reason to change now just
> to be more Java-like.

There is no need to change this, but to follow this.
I checked new added modules for last python versions and most modules
used lowercase with "_" (foo_bar).
But "datetiem" doesn't. There "_" is lost and all is lowercase
like "fromtimestamp" or "utcfromtimestamp" or "toordinal".
I thought this should be "from_timestamp" or "to_ordinal".
But I'm not a native speaker.

bye by Wolfgang

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