[Python-Dev] status of development documentation

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Dec 21 17:10:24 CET 2005

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> If you just want to know what your changes look like: type "make html"
> in the Doc directory, and wait a moment for it to complete. I get
> xml.etree as section 13.13.

provided you have all the right stuff on your machine, that is:

$ make html
+++ latex api
*** Session transcript and error messages are in .../Python-2.5/Doc/html/api/api.how.
*** Exited with status 127.
The relevant lines from the transcript are:
+++ latex api
sh: latex: command not found
*** Session transcript and error messages are in .../Python-2.5/Doc/html/api/api.how.
*** Exited with status 127.
make: *** [html/api/api.html] Error 127

I'm not sure I have enough time to sort this out...

my original questions remain:

- could a cronjob that does this be set up on some python.org machine
(or on some volunteer's machine)

- is it perhaps time to start investigating using "lighter" tools for the core
documentation ?

(as I hinted, I'd prefer HTML with microformat annotations as the main format;
with roundtripping to markdown or rest (etc) for people who prefer to author in
that, and tidy->xhtml->python tools for the HTML generation)


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