[Python-Dev] status of development documentation

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Thu Dec 22 05:36:38 CET 2005

"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at pythonware.com> wrote:
> Barry Warsaw wrote:
> > > Sure, and some people hate using whitespace for block structure.
> >
> > A more proper analogy would be people who hate braces and parentheses.
> > You have to type so many more < and > characters (not to mention &s
> > and ;s) to make happy-joy html than you have to type \s and {s and }s to
> > make nice-nice latex.
> so what's *your* excuse for not using emacs? ;-)
> (if you don't have sgml/html support in your editor, I recommend that you
> borrow my swedish keyboard, and see if you really prefer \ { } ` etc over
> < > & ...)

Speaking of optimizing documentation for an individual ;)

 - Josiah

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