[Python-Dev] NotImplemented reaching top-level

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 18:31:10 CET 2005

2005/12/26, Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>:

> Done in patch #1390657.

Fantastic, Armin, thank you!

> nb_add and nb_multiply should be tried.  I don't think that this would
> break existing C or Python code, but it should probably only go in 2.5,
> together with the patch #1390657 that relies on it.

It'd be good to know if this will be applied for the next version
2.4.x or will wait until 2.4.5, for me to search a workaround in
Decimal or not (really don't know if I can find a solution here).

Thank you!

.    Facundo

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