[Python-Dev] file() vs open(), round 7

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Tue Dec 27 16:51:32 CET 2005

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> >but that was made at a time when it wasn't clear if "open" or "file" would
> >be the preferred way to open a file.  now that we've settled on the verb
> >form, I think "textopen" or "opentext" would be slightly more consistent.
> Sorry, I'm confused.  Who settled on the verb form?  Are you saying Guido's
> 2002 post supports open() instead of file(), or is there some more recent
> reference to this?



    "I recently saw a checkin that changed a call to open() into a call to
    file(), suggesting that using file() is more "politically correct"
    than open().

    I'm not sure I agree with this."


    "Anyway, here's my future-proof distinction: use open() as the factory
    function, and file for type-testing."


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