[Python-Dev] Python + Visual C++ 8.0?

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 27 22:39:04 CET 2005

--- "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:

> Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
> > I am using a Visual Studio 2005 Professional installation. I also ran
> > vcredist_x86.exe. Moving msvc[mpr]80.dll to a directory on PATH didn't
> > help. However, standalone executables work OK without any gymnastics.
> > Does anyone know what the problem could be with the extensions?
> Can't check right now - but could it be that the standalone executables
> get an extra copy of this library in their binary directory, as part
> of the build process?


> > A quick attempt to compile Python from scratch using Visual C++ 8.0
> > produced a python.exe, but it doesn't run (the debug / send report /
> > don't send report box pops up). Has someone tried this before?
> Yes; a patch to fix this problem has been checked into the trunk
> (but I have no plans for backporting it to the 2.4 branch, as 2.4
> will be compiled with VC7.1 "forever" - i.e. until its final release).


> Regards,
> Martin
> P.S. I currently also plan to build Python 2.5 with VC 7.1.
> P.P.S. You do know that this configuration (extension compiled
> with VS2005, Python compiled wit VS.NET2003) is not supported,
> right?

I wasn't sure about that. In the transition from VC 6 to VC 7.x we didn't
have compatibility problems. I was hoping this trend continues ...
If that's not the case we will need two Python 2.5 installers,
one compiled with VC 7.1, one with VC 8.0.
I'll try to build SVN Python with VC 8.0. If that succeeds, is there
an equivalent of "make install" that will give me a directory structure
resembling what I get from the binary installer?



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