[Python-Dev] a quit that actually quits

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 23:05:00 CET 2005

[Martin v. Löwis]
>> If you want to type something consistently across platforms, you can
>> currently do
>> >>>raise SystemExit

[Hans Nowak]
> I'm not sure what to say to that.  Do you really want to type "raise
> SystemExit" every time you want to exit the interpreter?  (Your answer
> would probably be something like "No -- that's why I use Ctrl-D".  But
> that wouldn't really get us anywhere, would it?)
> My point is that there is currently no acceptable, universal way to exit
> the interpreter. ...

I haven't used Python on a PDA yet, but on everything from PCs to
mainframes I get out of the interpreter just by pulling the power
plug.  Why on Earth would you want to exit Python while your machine
was running?  Aha!  The light dawns.

resolve-to-keep-python-running-24/7-in-2006-ly y'rs   - tim

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