[Python-Dev] deque alternative

Alex Martelli aleaxit at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 16:59:41 CET 2005

On Dec 28, 2005, at 2:57 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>> Since I routinely use 2-item tuples (twoples?)
> I've been using "pairs" to describe that datatype. Not sure
> how common it is in English, but in German, "Zweitupel"
> is often called "Paar".

I use 'pair', too, admittedly by analogy with C++'s std::pair type.   
(The Italian closest word "paio" would imply that the two items are  
in some sense "homogeneous"; to avoid that implication one would use  
"coppia", which differently from English "a couple" ALWAYS, not just  
sometimes, implies exactly two items; so I can't base myself on  
analogies with my own mothertongue;-).


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