[Python-Dev] New PEP: Using ssize_t as the index type

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Thu Dec 29 17:26:08 CET 2005

Not sure what I think of the proposal (though I guess I'm overall +0 --
needs to be done sometime and no time like the present).

However, I think this PEP should be held up as an example of how to write
a good PEP.  Aside from my inability to follow some of the arcane points
due to lack of C programming skill, this PEP was extremely readable and
well-organized.  Nice job!
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

"Given that C++ has pointers and typecasts, it's really hard to have a
serious conversation about type safety with a C++ programmer and keep a
straight face.  It's kind of like having a guy who juggles chainsaws
wearing body armor arguing with a guy who juggles rubber chickens wearing
a T-shirt about who's in more danger."  --Roy Smith

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