[Python-Dev] Python + Visual C++ 8.0?

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 30 08:29:02 CET 2005

--- "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:

> Out of curiosity: can you please try invoking this enum_print to stdout
> with your VS2005-built boost module? I see it uses fprintf, so I would
> expect it to crash.

After beating on this for half an hour I am coming to the conclusion that there
is no way the enum_print function is invoked. No matter what I try, Python
always calls enum_str if available. If I set the enum_str slot to 0, it calls
enum_repr. If I set that slot to 0 as well it calls the tp_str method of
PyInt_Type, since the Boost.Python enum type inherits from it.

I have no clue how I can crash the VC7/VC8 mix doing "normal" things.


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