[Python-Dev] an idea for improving struct.unpack api
Raymond Hettinger
python at rcn.com
Thu Jan 6 08:33:39 CET 2005
[Ilya Sandler]
> A problem:
> The current struct.unpack api works well for unpacking C-structures
> everything is usually unpacked at once, but it
> becomes inconvenient when unpacking binary files where things
> often have to be unpacked field by field. Then one has to keep track
> of offsets, slice the strings,call struct.calcsize(), etc...
Yes. That bites.
> Eg. with a current api unpacking of a record which consists of a
> header followed by a variable number of items would go like this
> hdr_fmt="iiii"
> item_fmt="IIII"
> item_size=calcsize(item_fmt)
> hdr_size=calcsize(hdr_fmt)
> hdr=unpack(hdr_fmt, rec[0:hdr_size]) #rec is the record to unpack
> offset=hdr_size
> for i in range(hdr[0]): #assume 1st field of header is a counter
> item=unpack( item_fmt, rec[ offset: offset+item_size])
> offset+=item_size
> which is quite inconvenient...
> A solution:
> We could have an optional offset argument for
> unpack(format, buffer, offset=None)
> the offset argument is an object which contains a single integer field
> which gets incremented inside unpack() to point to the next byte.
> so with a new API the above code could be written as
> offset=struct.Offset(0)
> hdr=unpack("iiii", offset)
> for i in range(hdr[0]):
> item=unpack( "IIII", rec, offset)
> When an offset argument is provided, unpack() should allow some bytes
> be left unpacked at the end of the buffer..
> Does this suggestion make sense? Any better ideas?
Rather than alter struct.unpack(), I suggest making a separate class
that tracks the offset and encapsulates some of the logic that typically
surrounds unpacking:
r = StructReader(rec)
hdr = r('iiii')
for item in r.getgroups('IIII', times=rec[0]):
. . .
It would be especially nice if it handled the more complex case where
the next offset is determined in-part by the data being read (see the
example in section 11.3 of the tutorial):
r = StructReader(open('myfile.zip', 'rb'))
for i in range(3): # show the first 3 file headers
fields = r.getgroup('LLLHH', offset=14)
crc32, comp_size, uncomp_size, filenamesize, extra_size = fields
filename = g.getgroup('c', offset=16, times=filenamesize)
extra = g.getgroup('c', times=extra_size)
print filename, hex(crc32), comp_size, uncomp_size
If you come up with something, I suggest posting it as an ASPN recipe
and then announcing it on comp.lang.python. That ought to generate some
good feedback based on other people's real world issues with
Raymond Hettinger
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