[Python-Dev] PEP 246, redux

Alex Martelli aleax at aleax.it
Wed Jan 12 00:33:22 CET 2005

On 2005 Jan 11, at 22:08, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
>> Yes, you're ALLOWED to stuff with NULL any field that isn't 
>> explicitly specified as NOT NULL.
>> But you should ONLY do so when the information is REALLY missing, NOT 
>> when you've lost it along the way because you've implemented 
>> adapter-chain transitivity: dropping information which you COULD have 
>> preserved with a bit more care (==without transitivity) is a 
>> violation of PRAGMATICS, of the BEST-EFFORT implication, just as it 
>> would be to drop packets once in a while in a TCP/IP stack due to 
>> some silly programming bug which was passed silently.
> This is again a misleading analogy.  You are comparing end-to-end with 
> point-to-point.  I am saying that if you have a point-to-point 
> connection that drops all packets of a particular kind, you should not 
> put it into your network, unless you know that an alternate route 
> exists that can ensure those packets get through.  Otherwise, you are 
> breaking the network.

But adaptation is not transmission!  It's PERFECTLY acceptable for an 
adapter to facade: to show LESS information in the adapted object than 
was in the original.  It's PERFECTLY acceptable for an adapter to say 
"this piece information is not known" when it's adapting an object for 
which that information, indeed, is not known.  It's only CONJOINING the 
two perfectly acceptable adapters, as transitivity by adapter chain 
would do automatically, that you end up with a situation that is 
pragmatically undesirable: asserting that some piece of information is 
not known, when the information IS indeed available -- just not by the 
route automatically taken by the transitivity-system.

What happened here is not that either of the adapters registered is 
wrong: each does its job in the best way it can.  The programming 
error, which transitivity hides (degrading the quality of information 
resulting from the system -- a subtle kind of degradation that will be 
VERY hard to unearth), is simply that the programmer forgot to register 
the direct adapter.  Without transitivity, the programmer's mistake 
emerges easily and immediately; transitivity hides the mistake.

By imposing transitivity, you're essentially asserting that, if a 
programmer forgets to code and register an A -> C direct adapter, this 
is never a problem, as long as A -> B and B -> C adapters are 
registered, because A -> B -> C will give results just as good as the 
direct A -> C would have, so there's absolutely no reason to trouble 
the programmer about the trivial detail that transitivity is being 

At the same time, if I understand correctly, you're ALSO saying that if 
two other adapters exist, A -> Z and Z -> C, *THEN* it's an error, 
because you don't know when adapting A -> C whether to go via B or via 
Z.  Well, if you consistently believe what I state in the previous 
paragraph, then this is just weird: since you're implicitly asserting 
that any old A->?->C transitive adaptation is just as good as a direct 
A->C, why should you worry about there being more than one such 2-step 
adaptation available?  Roll the dice to pick one and just proceed.

Please note that in the last paragraph I'm mostly trying to "reason by 
absurd": I do NOT believe one can sensibly assert in the general case 
that A->?->C is just as good as A->C, without imposing FAR stronger 
constraints on adaptation that we possibly can (QI gets away with it 
because, designed from scratch, it can and does impose such 
constraints, essentially that all interfaces "belong" to ONE single 
object -- no independent 3rd party adaptation, which may be a bigger 
loss than the constraints gain, actually).

I'm willing to compromise to the extent of letting any given adaptation 
somehow STATE, EXPLICITLY, "this adaptation is lossless and perfect, 
and can be used as a part of transitive chains of adaptation without 
any cost whatsoever".  If we do that, though, the adaptation system 
should trust this assertion, so if there are two possibilities of equal 
minimal length, such as A->B->C or A->Z->C, with all the steps being 
declared lossless and perfect, then it SHOULD just pick one by whatever 
criterion, since both will be equally perfect anyway -- so maybe my 
reasoning by absurd wasn't totally absurd after all;-).

Would this compromise be acceptable to you?


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