Moving towards Python 3.0 (was Re: [Python-Dev] Speed up function calls)

Raymond Hettinger python at
Mon Jan 31 04:26:47 CET 2005

Neal Norwitz 
> I thought about making a p3k branch in CVS

I had hoped for the core of p3k to be built for scratch so that even the
most pervasive and fundamental implementation choices would be open for

* Possibly write in C++.
* Possibly replace bytecode with Forth style threaded code.
* Possibly toss ref counting in favor of some kind of GC.
* Consider ways to leverage multiple processor environments.
* Consider alternative ways to implement exception handling (long jumps,
etc, signals, etc.)
* Look at alternate ways of building, passing, and parsing function
* Use b-trees instead of dictionaries (just kidding).


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