[Python-Dev] getch() in msvcrt does not accept extended characters.
Darryl Dixon
esrever_otua at pythonhacker.is-a-geek.net
Fri Jul 1 06:29:34 CEST 2005
I'm sorry, I don't seem to have done a very good job at explaining
the situation. I'll try again:
'getch()' is a low-level function provided on Windows to capture a
single character of input from a user, /without echoing it to the
screen/. As far as I can tell there's no other way of doing this with
Python on Windows. The Python interface to this function is in the C
code in msvcrtmodule.c, which has a (very thin) wrapper around the raw
OS system call. Microsoft provide a way of accepting both normal ASCII
codes, and extended characters via this system call. Currently, the
Python wrapper in msvcrtmodule.c only supports the semantics of getting
the bare ASCII codes, and not the extended characters. I would strongly
suggest that it should support both.
So, I guess in answer to the questions raised below;
1) I can't do it in Python code without getch() (hence the original
2) I would argue that in fact getch() is 'broken' in its current Python
implementation, as it doesn't support what the OS implies /should/ be
supported (and, indeed, if I input an extended character in response to
a 'getch()' call, all I get back currently is an empty string).
Finally, I've dug a little deeper, and it looks as though if (ch >
UCHAR_MAX) then it would have to call PyUnicode_FromUnicode(s, 1)
Is it worth sending in a patch to the sourceforge patch-tracker
implementing this? Is it OK for msvcrt_getch to return Unicode when
Hope this helps,
Fredrik wrote:
>Darryl Dixon wrote:
>> Microsoft support capturing extended characters via _getch, but it
requires making a
>> second call to getch() if one of the 'magic' returns is encountered
in the first call (0x00
>> or 0xE0).
>so why not do that in your python code?
>> The relevant chunk of code in Python that would probably need to be
>> changed to support this appears to be in msvcrtmodule.c:
>if you change msvcrt, you'll break all the programs that uses getch()
>the prescribed way...
Darryl Dixon <esrever_otua at pythonhacker.is-a-geek.net>
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