[Python-Dev] Chaining try statements: eltry?

tanzer@swing.co.at tanzer at swing.co.at
Fri Jul 8 09:04:44 CEST 2005

> > [Guido, on {for,while}/else]
> How would a PEP to *remove* this feature fare today?


It took me a while (actually a *long* while) to start using else
clauses in loops, but I've learned to love them. Although there
aren't that many use cases, they make the code more readable (and
writable) where they apply.

For me, for/else and while/else didn't make Python harder to
learn; I just ignored them for some years.

And I'm horrified at the thought of having to go look for all
occurrences if they were removed (if Py3k ever happens, I'd hope
that it would be the *one* Python to use -- too many
incompatibilities would probably mean *two* Pythons fighting each

Christian Tanzer                                    http://www.c-tanzer.at/

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