[Python-Dev] Terminology for PEP 343

Marc-Antoine Parent maparent at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 23:27:37 CEST 2005

Probably late in the game, esp. for an outsider, but I read the  
terminology discussion with interest.
FWIW, I do like Philip's use of context, though I feel that it is a  
very generic word that may clash with many application-level  
classes... For that reason, I also liked "scope" a lot, though it was  
an... expension of that term's usual meaning beyond namespaces.
Anyway, what really struck me all along is that, when reading the  
keyword "with", I always felt that I would replace it with "within",  
which imho fits the context/scope terminology better. Thus "within" a  
"context", we do certain actions... which are fenced with  
__begincontext and __endcontext.
(Oh, yes, fences... What was the original precise computer science  
meaning of that word, again?)


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