[Python-Dev] python running in several threads

Martin Aliger maliger at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 17:00:19 CEST 2005

Thanks both for answers,

I read some articles you link and I'd to say - alot discussion around!

I also found some notes that mod_python use some technique other than
GIL to allow multi-threading in Apache 2.0. Does someone know anything
closer? Any links or so?

Sorry I raise this old stuff again.


Just short notes:
> Removing the GIL is easy, but then the interpreter crashes in cases of
> simultaneous accesses to dictionaries, reference counters, etc.

I know. But under mine conditions is impossible to share dictionaty or
ref.counters so this do not happen. This dont happen neither on web
server running simmultaniously several .py scripts (same conditions)
> This is just not true. On a single-processor machine, the GIL does
> *not* degrade performance. Instead, it increases throughput (and
> thus performance).

Under bigger load yes. It degrades a little under small load, but its
usually not big problem.
> On a multi-processor machine, you often use multiple operating
> system processes to serve request (e.g. in CGI or Apache mpm-prefork,
> or even the typical mpm-worker configuration). If you then have
> different processes running Python, they don't interfere with
> each other at all.

Unfortunatelly many configurations dont do that. I run several servers
with hyperthreading processors and none of them runs two IISs or
apaches just for load-balance python scripts.


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