[Python-Dev] Withdrawn PEP 288 and thoughts on PEP 342

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Jun 17 03:53:11 CEST 2005

At 08:24 PM 6/16/2005 -0400, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>Looking back at the history of 288, generator attributes surfaced only
>in later drafts.  In the earlier drafts, the idea for passing arguments
>to and from running generators used an argument to next() and a return
>value for yield.  If this sounds familiar, it is because it is not much
>different from the new PEP 342 proposal.  However, generator argument
>passing via next() was shot down early-on.  The insurmountable concept
>flaw was an off-by-one issue.  The very first call to next() does not
>correspond to a yield statement; instead, it corresponds to the first
>lines of a generator (those run *before* the first yield).  All of the
>proposed use cases needed to have the data passed in earlier.

Huh?  I don't see why this is a problem.  PEP 342 says:

"""When the *initial* call to __next__() receives an argument that is not 
None, TypeError is raised; this is likely caused by some logic error."""

>With the death of that idea, generator attributes were born as a way of
>being able to pass in data before the first yield was encountered and to
>receive data after the yield.  This was workable and satisfied the use
>cases.  Coroutine simulations such as those in Dr Mertz's articles were
>easily expressed with generator attributes.  As a further benefit, using
>attributes was a natural approach because that same technique has long
>been used with classes (so no new syntax was needed and the learning
>curve was zero).

Ugh.  Having actually emulated co-routines using generators, I have to tell 
you that I don't find generator attributes natural for this at all; 
returning a value or error (via PEP 343's throw()) from a yield expression 
as in PEP 342 is just what I've been wanting.

>In contrast to PEP 288's low impact approach, PEP 342 changes the
>implementation of the for-loop, alters the semantics of "continue",
>introduces new and old-style iterators, and creates a new magic method.

I could definitely go for dropping __next__ and the next() builtin from PEP 
342, as they don't do anything extra.  I also personally don't care about 
the new continue feature, so I could do without for-loop alteration 
too.  I'd be perfectly happy passing arguments to next() explicitly; I just 
want yield expressions.

>Meanwhile, it hasn't promised any advantages over the dead PEP 288

Reading the comments in PEP 288's revision history, it sounds like the 
argument was to postpone implementation of next(arg) and yield expressions 
to a later version of Python, after more community experience with 
generators.  We've had that experience now.

>IOW, I don't follow how 342 got this far, how 342 intends to overcome
>the off-by-one issue,

It explicitly addresses it already.

>  how it addresses all of the other objections
>leveled at the now dead PEP 288

Arguments for waiting aren't the same thing as arguments for never 
doing.  I interpret the comments in 288's history as ranging from -0 to +0 
on the yield expr/next(arg) issue, and didn't see any -1's except on the 
generator attribute concept.

>and why no one appears concerned about
>introducing yet another new-style/old-style issue that will live in

I believe it has been brought up before, and I also believe I pointed out 
once or twice that __next__ wasn't needed.  I think Guido even mentioned 
something to that effect himself, but everybody was busy with PEP 
340-inspired ideas at the time.  342 was split off in part to avoid losing 
the ideas that were in it.

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