[Python-Dev] Explicitly declaring expected exceptions for ablock

Dmitry Dvoinikov dmitry at targeted.org
Tue Jun 21 13:30:00 CEST 2005

> I suspect that you wanted either:

>    try:
>        c().foo()
>        fail('Should have raised TypeError')
>    except TypeError:
>        pass  # expected

Right, of course I use something along these lines:

except TypeError:
    assert False, "c.foo() should have thrown TypeError"

and so if foo throws anything but TypeError I get traceback,
otherwise it's an assertion error and is reported as such.
This is probably just one of the many possible wording of the
same thing though.

Dmitry Dvoinikov

--- Original message follows ---

> Dmitry Dvoinikov writes:
>> The reason for that being self-tests with lots and lots of
>> little code snippets like this:
>> try:
>>     c().foo()
>> except TypeError:
>>     pass

> Paul Du Boise already responded explaining that PEP 343 probably handles
> the task you want. I just wanted to mention that you may need to
> reconsider the task. The above snippet is almost certainly incorrect.
> I suspect that you wanted either:

>    try:
>        c().foo()
>        fail('Should have raised TypeError')
>    except TypeError:
>        pass  # expected

> or perhaps this:

>     try:
>         c().foo()
>     except TypeError:
>         fail('Should not have raised TypeError')

> There ARE situations when you want to allow an exception (but not
> necessarily expect it) and do nothing when it occurs, but I don't
> find them all that common, and I certainly don't find them arising
> in unit tests.

> -- Michael Chermside

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