[Python-Dev] comprehension abbreviation (was: Adding any() and all())

Eric Nieuwland eric.nieuwland at xs4all.nl
Mon Mar 14 13:42:29 CET 2005

Gareth McCaughan wrote:

> I'd like it, and my reason isn't "just to save typing".
> There are two reasons.
>   1 Some bit of my brain is convinced that [x in stuff if condition]
>     is the Right Syntax and keeps making me type it even though
>     I know it doesn't work.
>   2 Seeing [x for x in stuff if condition] triggers my internal
>     duplicated-stuff alarm, and it's distracting, in the same sort
>     of way as it's distracting in C or C++ seeing

The full syntax is:
	[ f(x) for x in seq if pred(x) ]
being allowed to write 'x' instead of 'identity(x)' is already a 
shortcut, just as dropping the conditional part.

Remember we're doing set theory stuff here. IMHO we should follow its 
notation conventions as much as we can.


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