[Python-Dev] PEP 340: Else clause for block statements

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon May 2 15:46:31 CEST 2005

    Anders> How do I tell try/except that I really only meant to trap
    Anders> opening('file1'), but opening 'file2' is not supposed to fail so
    Anders> I want any exception from that propagated?  Better if I could
    Anders> write:

    Anders>     in opening('file1') as f1:
    Anders>         ...
    Anders>         in opening('file2') as f2:
    Anders>             ...
    Anders>     else:
    Anders>         print "file1 not available, I'll try again later"

-1.  This has the opposite meaning of the else clause in while/for

    Anders> or even

    Anders>     in opening('file1') as f1:
    Anders>         ...
    Anders>         in opening('file2') as f2:
    Anders>             ...
    Anders>     except IOError:
    Anders>         print "file1 not available, I'll try again later"

Not keen on this either, maybe just because the "in" clause isn't a "try"


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