[Python-Dev] New Py_UNICODE doc

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed May 4 19:02:20 CEST 2005

Nicholas Bastin <nbastin at opnet.com> writes:

> The current documentation for Py_UNICODE states:
> "This type represents a 16-bit unsigned storage type which is used by  
> Python internally as basis for holding Unicode ordinals. On  platforms 
> where wchar_t is available and also has 16-bits,  Py_UNICODE is a 
> typedef alias for wchar_t to enhance  native platform compatibility. On 
> all other platforms,  Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias for unsigned 
> short."
> I propose changing this to:
> "This type represents the storage type which is used by Python 
> internally as the basis for holding Unicode ordinals.  On platforms 
> where wchar_t is available, Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias for wchar_t 
> to enhance native platform compatibility.

This just isn't true.  Have you read ./configure --help recently?

> On all other platforms, Py_UNICODE is a typedef alias for unsigned
> short.  Extension module developers should make no assumptions about
> the size of this type on any given platform."

I like this last sentence, though.

> If no one has a problem with that, I'll make the change in CVS.

I have a problem with replacing one lie with another :)


  Just put the user directories on a 486 with deadrat7.1 and turn the
  Octane into the afforementioned beer fridge and keep it in your
  office. The lusers won't notice the difference, except that you're
  more cheery during office hours.              -- Pim van Riezen, asr

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