[Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Unifying try-except and try-finally

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rodsenra at gpr.com.br
Wed May 4 20:23:17 CEST 2005

[ Guido ]:
> Nice one. Should be a piece of cake to implement. Please talk to
> peps at python.org about getting it checked into the PEP database.
> I'm +1 on accepting this now -- anybody against?


Last week, while I was giving a Python course (in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil)
some students attempted to use try/except/finally blocks. I had to
dig the grammar to prove to them that it was __not already__ supported.


Rodrigo Senra                 
MSc Computer Engineer    rodsenra(at)gpr.com.br  
GPr Sistemas Ltda        http://www.gpr.com.br/ 
Personal Blog     http://rodsenra.blogspot.com/

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