[Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Unifying try-except and try-finally

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu May 5 10:10:17 CEST 2005

"Shane Holloway (IEEE)" <shane.holloway at ieee.org> writes:

> And per the PEP, I think the explaining that::
>      try:
>          A
>      except:
>          B
>      else:
>          C
>      finally:
>          D
> is *exactly* equivalent to::
>      try:
>          try:
>              A
>          except:
>              B
>          else:
>              C
>      finally:
>          D
> Resolved all the questions about control flow for me.

Well, yes, that makes sense, but also raises a small "and the point
is...?" flag in my head.


  This is the fixed point problem again; since all some implementors
  do is implement the compiler and libraries for compiler writing, the
  language becomes good at writing compilers and not much else!
                                 -- Brian Rogoff, comp.lang.functional

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