[Python-Dev] PEP 340 - Remaining issues - keyword

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Fri May 6 04:37:47 CEST 2005

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Something relatively nonsensical, but usefully mnemonic
 > (like 'stmt') may be a good way to go.

How about 'do'?

   do opening(filename) as f:

   do locking(obj):

   do carefully(): # :-)

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz	   +--------------------------------------+

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