[Python-Dev] PEP 340: Deterministic Finalisation (new PEP draft, either a competitor or update to PEP 340)

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Mon May 9 22:21:24 CEST 2005

Josiah Carlson wrote:

>> Ron Adam <rrr at ronadam.com> wrote:

>>Yes, so just "do [VAR from] EXPR1:"
> Regardless of the 'finalization' syntax, I'm talking about the fact that
> including extra 'if EXPR' or 'while EXPR' is not going to be an option. 

Yes, I meant for the syntax to be the shorter form, not for the 
programmer to just leave off the end.

>>But isn't this what PEP340 *already* proposes?  Or am I missing a subtle 
>>distinction here.
> It is, in fact, what PEP 340 already proposes.  Let us take a step back
> for a moment and realize that this entire discussion is going around in
> circles.

I think so too.

> From what I understand, we all agree:
> 1. There should be some mechanism X which signals that an indented suite
> is a 'block statement'.  Such blocks are described and finalized as per
> PEP 340 (or whatever derivative gets accepted).


> 2. Standard for/while loops should not be finalized in a timely fashion,
> because testing for the proper methods would necessarily slow down large
> amounts of current Python, so should be left to the garbage collector.


Also add to this, it is not always desirable to finalize an object after 
use in a for loop.

> 3. A note as to the additional overhead of finalized blocks should be
> mentioned in the source code of the finalization implementation, and a
> note on their performace characteristics may or may not need to be
> listed in the language reference.


> What there is still discussion over:
> 4. What the syntax should be.
> 5. Whether or not it loops.
> 6. Method names.
> I find the answers to 4,5,6 to be a matter of opinion, and like many, I
> have my own.  However, I do not feel strongly enough about 4,5,6 to
> argue about my opinion (I've been attempting to re-state where the
> conversation went for the last 2 weeks, as I have managed to read each
> and every email about the subject at hand *ick*).
>  - Josiah

I think you clarified this well.

Item 4: A list of possible syntax's with a vote at some point should do.

Item 5:

    (A.) More use case's for looping blocks need to be found.  I think 
there may be some or many that are not obvious at the moment.

    (B.) It may not cost much in performance to include the looping 
behavior.  Maybe this should be put off till there is a working version 
of each, then comparisons of performance can be made in different 


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