[Python-Dev] Merging PEP 310 and PEP 340-redux?

Guido van Rossum gvanrossum at gmail.com
Sat May 14 02:58:47 CEST 2005

[Greg Ewing]
> -0.7 on directly giving generators do-protocol methods.

I'm -1 on this myself.

> I'm not yet convinced that encouraging people to use
> generators to implement block controllers is a good
> idea. If we blur the distinction too much at this
> stage, we may regret it later if we come up with a
> better idea. Also I don't see that people will be
> writing block controllers anywhere near as often as
> iterators, so writing classes for them isn't going to
> be a big chore. And people can always use a
> do-protocol-to-generator adaptor if they really want.

Right. I'm +0 on adding a standard module defining a do_template
decorator that turns a degenerate generator into a do-statement

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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