[Python-Dev] Combining the best of PEP 288 and PEP 325: generator exceptions and cleanup

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed May 18 20:42:11 CEST 2005

At 01:28 PM 5/18/2005 -0400, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> > Okay.  Maybe we should just update PEP 325, then?
>Keep this separate.

Have you read PEP 325 lately?  Mostly the change would consist of deleting 
rejected options or moving them to a rejected options section.  The only 
other change would be adding a short section stating how throw() would work 
and that it's being made public to support the future use of generators as 
flow-control templates.

A new PEP would have to copy, reinvent, or reference large chunks of PEP 
325, resulting in either redundancy or excess complexity.

Or are you suggesting a new PEP for throw(), containing *only* an 
explanation of its semantics, and then modifying PEP 325 to indicate that 
it will be implemented using the new PEP's 'throw()'?  That's about the 
only scenario that makes sense to me for adding a new PEP, because PEP 325 
is already pretty darn complete with respect to close() and GC.

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