[Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency
Bruce Eckel
BruceEckel-Python3234 at mailblocks.com
Fri Oct 7 18:47:51 CEST 2005
Early in this thread there was a comment to the effect that "if you
don't know how to use threads, don't use them," which I pointedly
avoided responding to because it seemed to me to simply be
inflammatory. But Ian Bicking just posted a weblog entry:
http://blog.ianbicking.org/concurrency-and-processes.html where he
says "threads aren't as hard as they imply" and "An especially poor
argument is one that tells me that I'm currently being beaten with a
stick, but apparently don't know it."
I always have a problem with this. After many years of studying
concurrency on-and-off, I continue to believe that threading is very
difficult (indeed, the more I study it, the more difficult I
understand it to be). And I admit this. The comments I sometimes get
back are to the effect that "threading really isn't that hard." Thus,
I am just too dense to get it.
It's hard to know how to answer. I've met enough brilliant people to
know that it's just possible that the person posting really does
easily grok concurrency issues and thus I must seem irreconcilably
thick. This may actually be one of those people for whom threading is
obvious (and Ian has always seemed like a smart guy, for example).
But. I do happen to have contact with a lot of people who are at the
forefront of the threading world, and *none* of them (many of whom
have written the concurrency libraries for Java 5, for example) ever
imply that threading is easy. In fact, they generally go out of their
way to say that it's insanely difficult.
And Java has taken until version 5 to (apparently) get it right,
partly by defining a new memory model in order to accurately describe
what goes on with threading issues. This same model is being adapted
for the next version of C++. This is not stuff that was already out
there, that everyone knew about -- this is new stuff.
Also, look at the work that Scott Meyers, Andrei Alexandrescu, et al
did on the "Double Checked Locking" idiom, showing that it was broken
under threading. That was by no means "trivial and obvious" during all
the years that people thought that it worked.
My own experience in discussions with folks who think that threading
is transparent usually uncovers, after a few appropriate questions,
that said person doesn't actually understand the depth of the issues
involved. A common story is someone who has written a few programs and
convinced themselves that these programs work (the "it works for me"
proof of correctness). Thus, concurrency must be easy.
I know about this because I have learned the hard way throughout many
years, over and over again. Every time I've thought that I understood
concurrency, something new has popped up and shown me a whole new
aspect of things that I have heretofore missed. Then I start thinking
"OK, now I finally understand concurrency."
One example: when I was rewriting the threading chapter for the 3rd
(previous) edition of Thinking in Java, I decided to get a
dual-processor machine so I could really test things. This way, I
discovered that the behavior of a program on a single-processor
machine could be dramatically different than the same program on a
multiprocessor machine. That seems obvious, now, but at the time I
thought I was writing pretty reasonable code. In addition, it turns
out that some things in Java concurrency were broken (even the people
who were creating thread support in the language weren't getting it
right) so that threw in extra monkey wrenches. And when you start
studying the new memory model, which takes into account instruction
reordering and cache coherency issues, you realize that it's
mind-numbingly far from trivial.
Or maybe not, for those who think it's easy. But my experience is that
the people who really do understand concurrency never suggest that
it's easy.
Bruce Eckel http://www.BruceEckel.com mailto:BruceEckel-Python3234 at mailblocks.com
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