[Python-Dev] Unicode charmap decoders slow

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Fri Oct 14 09:14:23 CEST 2005

Tony Nelson wrote:
> I have written my fastcharmap decoder and encoder.  It's not meant to be
> better than the patch and other changes to come in a future version of
> Python, but it does work now with the current codecs.

It's an interesting solution.

> To use, hook each codec to be speed up:
>     import fastcharmap
>     help(fastcharmap)
>     fastcharmap.hook('name_of_codec')
>     u = unicode('some text', 'name_of_codec')
>     s = u.encode('name_of_codec')
> No codecs were rewritten.  It took me a while to learn enough to do this
> (Pyrex, more Python, some Python C API), and there were some surprises.
> Hooking in is grosser than I would have liked.  I've only used it on Python
> 2.3 on FC3.

Indeed, and I would claim that you did not completely achieve your "no 
changes necessary" goal: you still have to install the hooks explicitly.
I also think overriding codecs.charmap_{encode,decode} is really ugly.

Even if this could be simplified if you would modify the existing
codecs, I still don't think supporting changes to the encoding dict
is worthwhile. People will probably want to update the codecs in-place,
but I don't think we need to make a guarantee that that such an approach
works independent of the Python version. People would be much better off
writing their own codecs if they think the distributed ones are


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