[Python-Dev] Divorcing str and unicode (no more implicit conversions).

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Tue Oct 25 04:39:42 CEST 2005

Guido writes:
> Oh, I don't doubt that they want it. But often they don't *need* it,
> and the higher-level goal they are trying to accomplish can be dealt
> with better in a different way. (Sort of my response to people asking
> for static typing in Python as well. :-)

I suppose that's true.  But what if they're not smart enough to figure
out that better, different, way?  I doubt you intend Python to be sort
of the Rubik's cube of programming...

And no, he didn't say why he wanted the ability to "represent a
Unicode string as an array of 4-byte integers".  Though I know he's
doing something with the Deseret Alphabet, translating some early work
on American Indian culture that was transcribed in that character set.


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