[Python-Dev] [Jython-dev] Re: AST branch is in?

Samuele Pedroni pedronis at strakt.com
Tue Oct 25 23:08:43 CEST 2005

Frank Wierzbicki wrote:
> On 10/20/05, *Neal Norwitz* <nnorwitz at gmail.com 
> <mailto:nnorwitz at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     The Grammar is (was at one point at least) shared between Jython and
>     would allow more tools to be able to share infrastructure.  The idea
>     is to eventually be able to have [JP]ython output the same AST to
>     tools.
> Hello Python-dev,
> My name is Frank Wierzbicki and I'm working on the Jython project.  Does 
> anyone on this list know more about the history of this Grammar sharing 
> between the two projects?  I've heard about some Grammar sharing between 
> Jython and Python, and I've noticed that (most of) the jython code in 
> /org/python/parser/ast is commented "Autogenerated AST node".  I would 
> definitely like to look at (eventually) coordinating with this effort.
> I've cross-posted to the Jython-dev list in case someone there has some 
> insight.

as far as I understand now Python trunk contains some generated AST
representation C code created through the asdl_c.py script from an 
updated Python.asdl, these files live in


a parallel asdl_java.py existed in Python CVS sandbox (where the
AST effort started) and was updated the last time the Jython
own AST classes were generated with at the time version of Python.asdl
(this was done by me if I remember correctly at some point in Jython
2.2 evolution, I think when the PyDev guys wanted a more up-to-date
Jython parser to reuse):


basically the new Python.asdl needs to be used, the asdl_java.py
maybe updated and our compiler changed as necessary.


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